2024; 7(2): 687- 693. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.194
The Effect of Intravenous Iron in Treating Anemia in Ovarian Cancer Patients: A PhaseIii, Open-Label, Randomized Trial
- Maryam Al-Hayki
2024; 7(2): 687- 693. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.194
Cancer related anemia is common occurring in more than 30% of patients ...
2024; 7(2): 694- 715. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.195
This article details the protocol of a Phase 2 clinical trial treating a specific type of ...
2024; 7(2): 716- 717. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.196
In 2023, there were an estimated 64,050 new cases of pancreatic cancer and 50,550 deaths ...
2024; 7(2): 718- 719. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.197
Cancer remains a significant global health challenge, with high morbidity...
2024; 7(3): 720- 732. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.198
Toll-like receptors are essential players in the innate immune signaling system and play....
2024; 7(3): 732- 735. doi: 10.31488/bjcr.199
For decades it has been known that silicone breast implants bleed silicone....
Jay W Fox
Department of Microbiology, Immunology
and Cancer Biology
Director, School of Medicine Infrastructure
Assoc. Director, UVa Cancer Center
University of Virginia, USA
Banghe Zhu, Ph.D
Center for Molecular Imaging
The University of Texas
Health Science Center, USA
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The main topics covered include, but are not limited to:C ancer research, cancer diagnosis, metastasis, carcinogenesis, pathology, drug discovery and deli very, epidemiology, tumor biology,transnational science, genomics, etc.
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